Sunday, February 20, 2011


Hey guys! Thanks for keeping up-to-date with this blog, but I have moved all of my photos to Flickr.

If you have Flickr, feel free to "add me as a contact"!

Username: BaileyJThompson

Disco Balls in... Snow

Funny story with these ones. There are only 2 disco ball ones, but I took about 100 pictures that day...

That day, I'd missed my bus to school. Normally, this was just an inconvenience and I'd juust take the city bus. But as I got home, I noticed the fresh snow on the trees outside. I wasn't catching any city bus - I was taking pictures (Despite my mother's protests...). You'll never know how refreshing it is to take pictures when 1) the scene is so beautiful and 2) you know you're not supposed to!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Melt My Heart?

^ Ice heart, just incase you hadn't figured that out.

Favorite! ^^

Hopefully you understand the metaphore for this one. I wasn't quite as impressed with the way the photos had turned out, honestly; I was hoping they would be a little more intense... Oh well :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Somethings I'm beginning to Regret

For the first time in my entire life... I forgot to capture some of the most amazing moments with my camera...

Moments so beautiful, so special to me... and now they're gone without anything but a trace of a memory.

I miss him

Monday, September 20, 2010

Only My Favorite Place In The World

I think the appropriate title for this blog would not be "Bailey Thompson's A Photo A Week"

I truly find it amazing how I planned to spend so much time practicing photography this summer, and I never really got the chance. Summer flew by quicker than I would have liked, and I barely had free time.

I have some photos from when my family went to Wasaga Beach (My FAVORITE place in the world) for the week.
It's official; nothing beats a Wasaga Beach set
This is from a different day
I absolutely love this picture!
Here's the story; I was sitting at the beach writing when I spotted the view. Naturally, I dropped my stuff, sprinted to the cottage to grab my camera to find that it wasn't the same anymore. So I returned my camera to the cottage and resumed writing, only to look up and find an even more beautiful view. Simply said, I didn't take my camera back after that.
Wasaga Beach is MAGICAL, I tell you, MAGICAL.
Sunset from, I think, the first day, BEAUTIFUL - like a rainbow

Finally, just because I'm a proud daughter....
Sand sculptures by my father, Chris.

What possibly could you need a sandal for?
A foot of course.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Disco Balls - In the Reality

These next few pictures describe the reality of my disco balls in nature series. Please see the first blog entry for explanation if you don't know the meaning.

It is untouchable. We are losing grip.
Kinda random.

My favourite!

Disco Balls In Nature - Extra

I thought this one had a lot of meaning.

If you don't already know the meaning of my Disco Balls in Nature series, please see the original blog for an explanation... which might help you understand why this has meaning.