Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Somethings I'm beginning to Regret

For the first time in my entire life... I forgot to capture some of the most amazing moments with my camera...

Moments so beautiful, so special to me... and now they're gone without anything but a trace of a memory.

I miss him

Monday, September 20, 2010

Only My Favorite Place In The World

I think the appropriate title for this blog would not be "Bailey Thompson's A Photo A Week"

I truly find it amazing how I planned to spend so much time practicing photography this summer, and I never really got the chance. Summer flew by quicker than I would have liked, and I barely had free time.

I have some photos from when my family went to Wasaga Beach (My FAVORITE place in the world) for the week.
It's official; nothing beats a Wasaga Beach set
This is from a different day
I absolutely love this picture!
Here's the story; I was sitting at the beach writing when I spotted the view. Naturally, I dropped my stuff, sprinted to the cottage to grab my camera to find that it wasn't the same anymore. So I returned my camera to the cottage and resumed writing, only to look up and find an even more beautiful view. Simply said, I didn't take my camera back after that.
Wasaga Beach is MAGICAL, I tell you, MAGICAL.
Sunset from, I think, the first day, BEAUTIFUL - like a rainbow

Finally, just because I'm a proud daughter....
Sand sculptures by my father, Chris.

What possibly could you need a sandal for?
A foot of course.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Disco Balls - In the Reality

These next few pictures describe the reality of my disco balls in nature series. Please see the first blog entry for explanation if you don't know the meaning.

It is untouchable. We are losing grip.
Kinda random.

My favourite!

Disco Balls In Nature - Extra

I thought this one had a lot of meaning.

If you don't already know the meaning of my Disco Balls in Nature series, please see the original blog for an explanation... which might help you understand why this has meaning.

Disco Balls in Nature - Set 2

In my backyard waterfall... I liked the bubbles!
Again, in the waterfall.

I liked the way the water continued falling as the ball began to drop.
At the top of the waterfall before it fell (I guess this is a little out of order!)
All of the Trilliums died... Already... So I decided to put a disco ball in what was left over.
In a tree...

Monday, May 24, 2010

I will NEVER do this again... Maybe

I blinded myself for this picture. What I didn't realize... Is that even though you're looking through the lense, you're still staring directly at the sun and possibly even worse. So... I took a whole bunch of these pictures... trying to get the sun right. I took the camera down... I could barely see out of my right eye!!! I was like "uh oh!"

So in other words, I wouldn't suggest doing this at home.

But my gosh, I LOVE the Sun... It's so pretty.

R.I.P Trilliums :(

This was taken after my walk.... And I was sitting on the deck when this thing started rubbing my head. Turns out it was the tree, and it looked kinda funky, so I grabbed my camera and pointed up.
OH NO! My Trilliums seem to be all dying - I didn't know they died so early in the year!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tree leaf - I actually love this one!
I thought this was kind of an interesting shot. What do you think?
Just another "through the trees" shot to add to my collection. As you've noticed, throughout adding pics to this blog, I've taken a bunch of pictures through this tree and you can see just how the forest has matured overtime.
Maple leaf :)

I liked this one. Because the tree is in focus, but the colourful background isn't - amazing how much the forest has filled in in the last couple of weeks. BEAUTIFUL
I love Trilliums, I'm sure you've already figured that out though.
This is why I need a macro (or close up) lense... But isn't he cute... Kind of?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Queen's University Pictures

It's been a while! I went to Queen's University in Kingston for a week for a program called E=MC2. Last year, I went for the photography (Hey, that's the reason I'm into photography today)... but this year I went for a different course. Anyways. Believe it or not, my camera and I didn't really spend as much time together as I'd expected (that sounds kinda strange)... I was so busy and having so much fun!
Anyways... Here's a couple pics.

Flower. Close up.

Library stairs. I fell in love the moment I saw 'em!
I don't know, I just thought it was kind of nice :)

Typical me, I found a squirrel. They're so much more photogenic than people!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Disco Balls in Nature - Set 1

We are the disco ball.

Spinning continuously, but not really advancing. With time, becoming more apparent, more damaging and less attractive.

Our souls reflect nature and the world around us. The disco ball reflects the room engulfing it.

It reflects light, brightly blinding anyone who stares at it. We reflect destruction, ruining most of what we come into contact with.

While we advance technologically, we fall further behind in noticing the world around us. As the disco ball continues to reflect light, it becomes normal and less noticeable to those around it.

It is untouchable. We are losing grip.

Disco balls in nature?! What an unusual Sight!

Hard to mix nature with an object such as this. It's not normal, it's unusual, it's unexpected. There is a thin divide between the disco ball and the world around it.

Might I remind you, we are the disco ball?

This is the description of a very large series of photos I have begun working on. The disco ball is a metaphor for the human in so many ways, only few were mentioned above. Every once in a while, I'll upload some photos from the "Disco balls in Nature" Series.

Psst... Insider Secret: Those disco balls are Christmas Tree ornaments.

This photo won 3rd place at my public library. I liked how the greens of the forest were reflected on the disco ball.

Disco Ball in Grass

Disco Ball in Rocks

All of the above photos were edited in Adobe Lightroom. Taken with Fuijifilm Digital Camera.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yeah, it's a fish....

You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to photography tiny fish through the glass... but I think these photos turned out well.
These are my male fancy guppies... Incase you're wondering.

You can't see AS well in the picture, but this guy is extremely colourful.
This one's got a bit more colour in his body.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

April Flowers Bring May Showers... WHAT?!

It's May 1st... and I've already found a Trillium. In fact, dozens and dozens of them. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, or a bad thing. But for the beauty of it, we'll just say it's a good thing. Beautiful!
I liked this tree - I thought it was kind of unusual.
This one is kinda unique too, eh?! A little early for flowers. I took this in April. It should be "April Showers bring May flowers". But this April, we had very little rain, and tons of flowers and growing. Today is the first of May and I believe this was our first real rain. So, what is it this year? April Flowers Bring May Showers? That's just not right!

Green Screen Photos

This is the first time I've published photos from my green screen photography studio. Incase you're curious, the set up is very simple. I have got a chromakey muslin green piece of fabric on a stand that covers 1 wall and the floor. I have 2 umbrella lights which are used to backlight the background (green fabric). I've also got two softboxes that are used to light the subject, as well as 2 flashes for the subject. It's an awesome set-up, that works and I really enjoy working with it. I use FXHome PhotoKey editing software to work with my green screen images.

Isn't it awesome? I think it's pretty cool how she never left home to get a picture at the beach.

I absolutely love this one!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010