Monday, March 15, 2010

You've Gotta Start Somewhere....

So I was trying to come up with some genius way to share my photography online without it looking like some insane Facebook photo album or something crazy like that.

My idea; from now until the day I get to lazy to do so, I will upload ONE photo per day to this blog. I will try to take the photo THAT day... but sometimes it will be from previous days because I liked the photo a little too much.

But before we get started, for those of you who are wondering... Technical details:
Typically, I will say what I used, and if it was edited in the entry..
Camera: Canon XSI SLR Digital Camera
Editing Software: None (Typically, it will be none. I am currently saving for Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom, but for now, I have neither so there will be no editing done to regular photos) That being said, if it is a studio photo, I've used the program FX Home Photokey to edit out the studio backdrop and replace it with a nicer looking on.
Flash: Just the typical camera flash. However, if need be, I will use my large reflective umbrella flash. However, it's HUGE and heavy and I don't particularily enjoy taking it everywhere I go. LOL
Lighting: I prefer natural light, in everything except studio photos. In the studio, I currently use two 800w umbrella lights, and 1 500w (I believe) backdrop lighting, as well as both camera and external flash. In about a month or so, I will begin using 3 1000w softboxes. But I'm holding off ordering them until I'm confident that it fits my budget. Haha!

Any questions? Visit the contact page to find out a variety of ways to contact me: Or simply, shoot me an e-mail:

I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting journey... so I suppose, we can get started!

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